Garage (interior) installation. Done first while waiting for load center to come from Home Depot.
EV Charger is Clipper Creek LCS-20, 15A, 240V charging, 22' cord (#0705-00-017) for $400. This charger is all that is needed for a Chevy Volt.
Now charges in 4-hrs.
Cost for Load Center, new breakers, wiring, etc. was approx. $100.
Used 10-ga. wiring to allow for potential future change to a 30A car charger (i.e. for an all-electric car).
Wiring from outside AC unit to garage interior.
Exterior installation:
New Load Center installed.
Load wiring from main panel feeds from the back.
New 50A circuit to existing downstairs AC condenser feeds out side back to original AC disconnect box.
New 20A circuit for car charger feeds out bottom of the box and then down into garage.
Wiring back to original AC disconnect box.
Feeding into garage.
This is not an ideal solution, but at least now I have confidence in the quality of the wiring feeding the EV car charger (which I did not have previously)...